Portsmouth Believers Church
(603) 722-0766
The Greatest Invitation
We’re reaching out to you today concerning the most important event that will ever occur in your life. Every person who has ever lived will one day stand before Jesus. Jesus will be either your Savior or your judge. We want to prepare you for that day.
Say this prayer: “God, I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe He died on the cross for all sin. I believe You raised Him from the dead and He is alive today. I ask You to forgive me of my sins and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I choose Jesus today as my Lord and Savior. I turn away from my past lifestyle and follow Him. I am now born into Your family. Amen.”
Sundays 10:00 am
Wednesdays 7:00 pm
235 Heritage Ave, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Thank you for exploring more about Portsmouth Believers Church. We are a Word and Spirit Christian church where the Word of God is taught with simplicity and power, and the Holy Spirit is present to meet your deepest needs. We are a full gospel, charismatic or Pentecostal congregation and are affiliated with the Rhema Bible Training Center.
Contact Us
235 Heritage Ave
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Opening Hours